Monday, October 12, 2009


We are growing!!! From 7 to 8!!! The Lord has blessed us with another sweet child to be born in March!!! I just turned 41 yesterday, October 11th, and here I am growing larger myself with baby number 6 on the way!! God is so good!!
My daughter Olivia has convinced me that I should do a blog for our family and friends to keep up on what's happening in our family, so this is my attempt to do that.
Olivia, our oldest is 13, in the 8th grade and growing up right before our eyes into this beautiful young lady. Caroline is going to be 11 on October 16th, and is always humming or singing around the house. We took her to see Phantom of the Opera on Friday night- she loved it!!!
Andrew is going to be 8 November 15th, and is really into his skateboard and baseball right now. Elizabeth is 5 and just started kindergaten this year. She is our little Miss Sunshine!! Hannah will be three November 20th, and she is making lots of "big girl strides" the last few months. She has started preschool and has learned to use the pottie!!!! Whoo hoo!!
Mark's business has been going great. About two years ago he started his own executive consulting and coaching business called "Genesis". This has been such a blessing to our family, because he works out of our home and is able to set his own schedule to fit our family!!! Not the other way around. God has been so good to us. We are really looking forward to what He has in store for us for the coming year and with the new baby. We will find out on Oct0ber 23rd if we are having a girl or a boy. Andrew is really pulling for a boy!!! He needs some more blue around here!!! We are traveling to Ohio this week to visit family, so we are getting ready for that trip. It is always an adventure with 5 kids in the car for roadtrips. Please pray that we have safe travels. We probably will not get back home to Ohio until after the baby is born.


  1. yeah Kim! So glad you have a blog! I love hearing about your family through your writing, and pick up on more things than just talking at church. I love it! Have fun in Ohio, we'll be looking forward to seeing you when you get back!

  2. The blog is so cute!!! It's such a great idea!

  3. hi Kim,
    like the new pictures you posted ! especially with Olivia inbetween you and mark on her 13th Bday !!!!
